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HomeNewsRCMP pull 170+ impaired drivers off Alberta roads over the long weekend

RCMP pull 170+ impaired drivers off Alberta roads over the long weekend

Over the Victoria Day long weekend, 173 impaired drivers were caught on Alberta roads. 

According to Alberta RCMP between May 17th and 20th, Mounties were conducting an enhanced traffic enforcement focused on targeting impaired drivers. Part of the enforcement coincided with National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day on May 18th and on that day 42 drivers were removed. 

The impaired drivers were caught at one of 36 different check stops in Alberta. RCMP Traffic Sargeant Vinnie Hetu says this is a reminder of the dangers of impaired driving, whether it be drugs or alcohol, and it is important to plan for a “safe, sober ride accordingly.” 

“While we promote safe driving behaviours all year round, we want to enhance this messaging and our enforcement efforts during holidays or long weekends when more people are out on our roadways,” Hetu says. 

Drivers who are caught driving impaired will face a 90-day suspension, mandatory ignition interlock for a year, a 30-day vehicle seizure, and a $1,000 fine. These drivers will also have a criminal record. 

Written by: Kass Patterson – Vista Radio

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